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Come and join me on a spiritual journey, a journey to find our true self.

Meet Chandana Sahoo

Angels Calling - Holistic Healing | Angel Card Reading | Past Life Regression | Reiki | Crystal Therapy | EFT

Welcome to Angels Calling - World of Holistic Healing - Come and join me on a spiritual journey, a journey to find our true self. Lets create a life desired by most of us by healing mentally, physically and emotionally. Its time to do away with complexities of life and make it harmonious, easy and abundant.

Enjoy the beautiful life bestowed upon us. Learn to cherish the small but valuable moments of life. Work towards the purpose of your life to make it more meaningful. Lets get together and use some God given tools to reach there and to AWAKEN our power. Let the positive energy to heal and harmonise every aspect of your life, finding your inner voice.

Come and feel the joy from within, enjoy every moment of life, harmonise all your relationships, attract infinite prosperity and lead the perfect life with ANGELS CALLING.


Reiki Healing

Can there be one cure for every ailment? While we might not have a wonder drug or a magic shoe that fits all, there’s one thing that every human being has – an innate healing ability.

Past Life Regression (PLR)

We don’t know the future but we can know the past. Why? To learn from it and enhance our present. Regression is the reverse of repression.

Angel Healing

Angels are messengers of God working to heal the planet. Even though God has many-splendored ways of connection, angel healing feels especially light and warm.

Crystal Healing

Have you felt the magic pull of a shiny stone? Perhaps you find gemstone jewellery attractive or crystal bracelets soothing? You’re not alone.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

The emotional freedom Technique is a powerful self-help technique showing that emotional trauma contributes greatly to disease.

Spiritual Tours

Some places on Earth resonate at a higher vibration, for example, Mathura and Vrindavan where Lord Krishna was born and raised. Further, the importance of Sangha – righteous.

Workshops & Events

Chandana is available in Noida on Wednesdays. Please call for prior appointment.

Reiki 1st Level Workshop

 5th May 2023 ( Saturday) Course details:

* The History of Reiki       

* The 5 Principles of Reiki

* Learn about the Seven Chakras in the human body

* Balancing the Chakras using Reiki

* Stabilising the aura and the spinal cord

* 3 Powerful meditations

* Protection through Triangular & Pyramid shielding

* Receive the Reiki Level 1 Attunement

* Hand positions training for Reiki treatment

* Receive your Reiki Manual & Certificate

  Venue : C R Park (Delhi)     Time : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM

  Please call at 9871072185 for registration.

Reiki 2nd Level Workshop

 Course details:

* The History of Reiki

* Balancing the Chakras using Divine Reiki symbols

* Intensify the effect of Reiki treatment

* Powerful meditations

* Protection through Triangular & Pyramid shielding using Reiki symbols

* Learn distance healing (Ability to heal without the physical presence of a person )

* Release the negative conditioning from the past experiences

* Clear the environment (House, hotel room, office premises etc.) with Reiki
   to remove any negative influence.

* Smoothen out the journey / travels

* Harmonizing special life events.

* Get in touch with your Higher Self.

* Receive the Reiki Level 2 Attunement

* Receive your Reiki Manual & Certificate

  Venue : C R Park (Delhi)    Time : 10:30 AM – 5:30 PM

  Please call at 9871072185 for registration.

Products for Sale

Spiritual Wisdom

Positive Thinking

We have often heard – A thought can change your life - but how often have we delved into its deepness. Everybody says – THINK POSITIVE –and then we wonder how one can think positive when one is in deep trouble. But the truth is positive thinking can actually change your life completely.

Now, what is Positive Thinking and is it possible to think about “Good Stuff” all the time. The answer is a BIG YES, it’s possible. A negative thought leads us to a path of doom. If a person is depressed or is in trouble or is facing challenges in his/her relationships, a negative thought acts like a heavy boulder on the shoulders, constantly pulling one down. At the same time, a positive thought acts like an anchor, continuously pulling one up. A negative thought does more harm than good then why not have positive thoughts all the time.

Postive thinking helps in every aspect of life at every level.It can make your relationships more loving and peaceful both at home and office.One can attract money and prosperity by merely having positive thoughts.Addictions can be overcome miraculously.Work can be more fun. Success will become your friend.

Yes, Positive Thinking does all this and more.


I have known Chandana didi from the past few months. I was lucky to meet her when i was going through the darkest phase of my life- Personally and professionally. The situation was so bad and upsetting that my emotional pain was transformed into physical pain. I wanted to change things but
Ankur Jain

Media Gallery

Press & Media

Life Positive June 2013
Asian Age July 2015
Hindustan Times July 2015
Chandana Sahoo featured in Life Positive June 2013
Certified life coach and Teen Counseling Center
Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner (EFT)

Michelle Mehta

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